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All work and no play is boring – 5 things to help you stop boring yourself

All work and no play is boring

There’s too many of us around who really don’t have much to go back home after another day of work. We all have a nice little one bedroom apartment empty from 8am to 8pm and even emptier for the rest of the day. Bringing some friends over for a party is easier said than done. That’s perfect for the weekends but what about the other 5 days which come in between? So, you have to do something yourself. You need something new. Thinking about the ‘something’? Well, here are 5 things.

5 things you can do to enjoy your life again:

  1. Escape to a Better World –

Books and Music – they can save you. Re-read an old book or buy one, whatever catches your eye. Make a playlist of your favorite songs or spend some time on YouTube to listen to some new ones. Stay up with a story and you’ll find falling asleep easier. It’s time you start sleeping with a peace of mind instead of tiring yourself with a zillion questions. Escape.

  1. Save Up, Plan and Go Backpacking! –

You need some time away from everything. You need some new sights sounds smells tastes and activities. Save up for a month or two, plan a nearby getaway, 3 days and 2 nights maybe, start up on Friday and come back by Sunday morning. Go anywhere, do anything, be anyone. It may be somewhere by the sea or far away from every single speck of civilization. Enjoy the emptiness, the absence of silent questions without answers, natural echoes instead of urbane noises. Enjoy not being a machine, rather live it the REAL WAY!

  1. Good food can never be bad –

The easiest way to break a boring routine is, well, breaking it. It won’t hurt you much if you have a something else at home. Order something which you haven’t had for quite some time now. And just have your way through it. Stop numbing your taste buds and yourself. Try out a new cuisine. Eat New. Repeat.

  1. Hit the flea market –

Think of it this way, everything around you plays a huge part in making you what you are. Now you can’t just change your workplace in a jiffy. But what you can do is change what’s around you. Add a new out-of-the-ordinary night-lamp, buy a wind chime, add a few posters on the walls, get a bean bag, change the lighting. Make it new, just do it!

  1. Make a friend with benefits –

Now, this is better left to you. Everyone likes the idea but few are actually ready for it. Keeping the ‘love’ out of making love is not for everyone. But just in case you find someone who can keep it simple, just go for it. Oh, just make sure you’re ready for something like this too. Inhibition is inhibited. Go with the flow, consider it as self-indulgence. Keep it simple, individually and mutually. Yeah, there are variables. But what’s good… is GOOD! Carpe diem, live the moment!

Lastly, you’re who you are. No more but no less too. For all the quotation mumbo-jumbos which ask you to ‘Love Yourself’, they do have a point. And the point is to enjoy. Play safe but – Play. Work can come later.

About the author

Abhay Pandey

I am a passionate writer, content curator, viral news creator, Your dreams are our passion is my motto. Would like to spread smile across the world through my blogs.

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