The world might have advanced over the years and birthed myriad skyscrapers, flying-machines, robots that do most of our job, sky-pools, technology, spacecrafts that take you distinct planets of your choice etc; but have horribly failed the women. As if women haven’t suffered a lot; comes one more jolt of shock. A pretty woman in her early 20’s was stabbed a numerous times, in public, by her stalker recently, in the area of Shahdara, near her Ram Nagar Extension House. An aspiring Air Hostess who had just begun on her journey to shape her dream, had to give in to all of it, thanks to her fate and a ‘psychotic’ love affair.
Somewhere in between swiping right and left to pick on our ‘date’, to chatting over online dating sites, for the sake of satiating our pleasures, we have somewhat missed out on the perspective of love and its trust sense of glory. Amidst the hue and cry over finding that ‘special someone’ for the sake of flaunting it to the world, and posting images on the walls of social media, we have now begun taking a ‘no’ as offensive. In an age, where we get more than we ask for, the habit of taking a ‘no’ as offense is now part of normalcy.
Riya Gautam, the deceased was stalked for about three months by 22 year old Munne Khan, until she was finally gifted revenge. A different swell of pride, runs down our spine, the moment we talk about democracy, but the next moment we hide our faces and act ignorant the moment something such heinous occurs in front of us. Wonder the amount of ignorance that dawned the minds of onlookers who stood there witnessing the crime, as if watching a drama being staged. What could have possibly stopped them from acting on the sin? It would shakes most of us with disgust to think over the tons of moral-police taking storms of actions on couples being spotted kissing under the tree on days like Valentine’s day, girl wearing jeans to temple or even on her periods, holding them responsible for bringing the culture and traditions of India to the lowest levels. But what were they actually doing when the girl was stabbed as many as seven times before she gave in? Was it so tedious a job to stop the vicious monster from beating her, slapping her and stabbing her to death? Did it require some stellar machismo to hold the beast from taking a innocent’s life; whose only possible fault was to deny his proposal.
This isn’t the first time a woman underwent such tragedy, but now it is now completely fine to rape a woman, insert rod into her innards, kill her and yet be left free. The more women try and break the walls of stereotypes, to fight alike men, the more is she being made to realize that the only sore reason behind her existence is to warm the bed of a man, cook delicious meals and produce till the last breathe of her life.
If all of us are done parading the streets with candles and calling for unnecessary strikes then it is time to move ahead of all this and give back to all sins that we all have been gulping down since ages.
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