Brothel lanes are perhaps the last place on Earth, where you would expect love to bloom. But just as the world goes on and about with the belief that- ‘love is the only construct that overwhelms all logic, and births only when you expect the least: A young man in his late 20’s experienced a similar twinge in his story when he lost his heart to a sex work in Delhi’s GB Road.
As dramatic as might sound, love is always conspired by the universe to find its way out from all the oddities. And, what happens when love and fate blends in a fair unison? Pure magic! For Subhi (Name changed on request) whose life was all about sharing bed with strangers every night, a happy and a normal life with magical dust was a far-fetched dream. Just when she was about to give up on her wishes for a perfect and happy life, a miracle happened: she happened to meet a client one fine day who was charmed by her. Mad in love, the man finalized on his decision to rescue the princess of his dreams.
With dating-apps, various matrimonial sites, myriad chat-rooms, the millennial are now on the verge of losing the perspective to love. Love has somehow always forced to transcend down to lower-levels when it is seen to equalize with ‘one-night’ stands, ‘friends with benefits’, and an age-old trick to trap someone and make her your victim of desire. Every time love loses out on its value, respect and emotions, there comes a story rare as this to ingrain the actual meaning of love.
True love is hard to find, but it almost was an impossible dream for Subhi who landed in India after the massive Earthquake which shook Nepal back in 2015, in a desperate lookout for a job, only to find herself in the egregious GB Road of Delhi. Hopes were already dismantled and Subhi had almost adapted herself with life’s viciousness when she met her ‘prince in shining armor’-Sagar who had come there along with his friend. Subhi and Sagar instantaneously nurtured a strong liking over each other, upon meeting, and this ultimately led Sagar to frequent the brothel quite often, as the brothel owner remained completely oblivious of the thing.
Just as every duo in love, they both had dreams of tying the knot and living a fairy tale life. Subhi would often try her way out from the dark dungeon but in vain, until Sagar cast about for help from the Delhi Commission for Women, who along with the collective help from the police officers raided the respective brothel and could help gift ‘freedom and light’ to the victims in it.
With Subhi out from the clutches of woes and agony, Sagar is now firm on his decision to marry her ladylove and lead the life we all wish for. Subhi and Sagar’s story quite relates to that of fairytale romance, where the Prince comes riding on his white horse, and frees his Princess from the shackles of affliction and dolor, only to live happily ever after. So, the next time someone tries rubbishing off fairy tale romance, do let enlighten them about this mushy tale.
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