Entertainment World

Mind-Boggling Facts About Hollywood Celebrities That Are More Likely To Blow Your Mind And Drop Your Jaws To The Floor


The lives of celebrities are always the subject of our discussion and debate. What they did or do gets us hooked and we can’t stop talking about it all the time. Celebrities are not only our heartthrobs but are the fountain-head of entertainment even outside the big screen. Let us check out few unheard facts about the top-notch celebrities here.

Ashton Kutcher

  • You would almost faint hearing that Ashton Kutcher almost jumped off the hospital balcony, to commit suicide, so that he could successfully donate the heart to his dying and ailing brother.
  • Eminem’s songs are full of profanity, but you did be amused to know that he dislikes swearing in his house.
  • When Beyonce was being trained by her father, he would make her run a mile, in order to help her assist in performing on stage sans panting and getting tired.
  • JoeDiMaggio was so devastated post – Marilyn Monroe’s demise that he held a private funeral barring all Hollywood elites, where he would offer roses thrice a week for almost 2 decades and his last words before death were “I’ll finally get to see Marilyn”.

Marilyn Monroe’s

Celebrities have their own way of amusing it. Few of them do it via acting and the rest with these interesting facts.

About the author

Abhay Pandey

I am a passionate writer, content curator, viral news creator, Your dreams are our passion is my motto. Would like to spread smile across the world through my blogs.

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