
Things That You Must Never Do In A Relationship, Being The Strong Girl You Are

Love For All

While love promises to be our ‘loving Messiah’ all the time; it is truly not a sign of being strong to be totally drenched in love, while leaving the world behind. Also, being in love might often tempt you to do things which if thought out well look cheap. But fret not, here are few things you must take care of being the strong woman you are when working out relationships.


  • Do not forget about your friendships. Friends are important just like lovers, and ignoring them every time over ‘bae’ is not something witty or justifiable.
  • While your guy finds it chivalrous to pay all your restaurant bills and phone bills, you must not give up on your financial independence on account of his chivalrousness. Try going ‘Dutch’ and split the bills whenever required, as that is more womanly and greatness.
  • Your boyfriend is the one you love, and not Superman to be able to meet your demands. It is okay if he falters in catering to your wishes, you mustn’t make a fuss about it.
  • While we are all human beings, mistakes are something we all do. So don’t judge him if he does one, or go around prattling about to your girl best friends. Not only would that put his image on the radar but yours as well.

Couple love

A relationship works the best when both the partners feed on mutual understanding instead of making mountains out of a mole. So go ahead and build the best relationship goals for others.

About the author

Abhay Pandey

I am a passionate writer, content curator, viral news creator, Your dreams are our passion is my motto. Would like to spread smile across the world through my blogs.

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