Health & Fitness News

You Might Have Early Dementia If You Experience Delirium After A Surgery


Studies and research suggest that experiencing delirium after an ongoing surgery could mean the onset of dementia in older patients. Postoperative delirium has been a major geriatric complication for some time now. It is exceedingly crucial to identify and treat delirium especially postoperative delirium because it threatens the incoming of longer institutionalization, hospitalization and higher death rate.

Patient care


The signs of dementia in postoperative delirium

While assessing the postoperative risk factors of delirium, studies have shown that pre-existing dementia contributes strongly to its occurrence. Delirium caused perturbed mental state, leading to confusions and poor-rationalizing capabilities have shown to affect 56% of the elderly patients admitted to the hospitals.

Scientists have studied the case of 1,152 perceptively normal persons over the age of 65 for 10 years and have come up with a result that those who suffered from postoperative delirium were three times more likely to develop dementia or permanent cognitive decline.

Dementia patient


Why is postoperative delirium so risky?

Delirium alone is a warning and distressing event for friends and families of the patient. However, if left untreated, then it could lead to agradual decline in mental health causing incurable dementia as one of the major threats. Thus, there is a significant risk factor for developing dementia postoperatively and scientists are trying hard to find the right treatment

About the author

Abhay Pandey

I am a passionate writer, content curator, viral news creator, Your dreams are our passion is my motto. Would like to spread smile across the world through my blogs.

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