How many times have your mom asked you to clean your room? “You won’t get dinner”, or “No pocket money for you” and even “grounded for 1 week”. She has probably exhausted her list of threats but to no effect. But who can blame you? Your mom may ask you to clean up but never says where to put the things away. You can simply throw your favorite scarf away or put the all necessary headphones in the cabinet. Meaning, how do you clean up?
To end the family war and give you some relief, here is a post sharing 4 creative ideas to clean up your room. The best part is, you get to use the things lying around to bring some order. Unlock your creative side and read on.
- Hanging buckets or bins
Use that cola bottle lying around from last week. Measure the depth you want. On the mouth, cut a shape in the following way.
- Half of it should be a semicircle.
- The other half, take a bit of the body and cut a vertical semi-circle.
- On this extra bit, cut a round formation for it to hang.
And it’s ready. Hang it anywhere and use it to store small items like bookmarks, pens, socks and many more. To make things opaque, use acrylic to paint the exterior body in your favorite shade.
- Table Organizer
Any type of can, milk or beer, can solve your purpose here. Lose the top lid or sealing and you are left with a hollow cylinder. Wash it and paint it. Inside, use darker shades likegrey or black and spice up the exterior with gold and white.
You may also paint it full black. It looks classy on a white backdrop and a brown table. Use it store your multi-purpose scissors, pens, paper clips and many more.
- Headphone hanger
How many times you had to swear under your breath while untangling your headphone. You just kept it on the bed and somehow it forms multiple knots. There is simply no way to prevent this inevitable.
But this DIY is the simplest of the lot. Use board clips and clamp it on the edge of the table right beside your laptop. Hang the earphones here, following a particular pattern and be the smart one among your friends to solve this problem.
- Shoe holders
Yes! A solution to this as well. You need toilet rolls for this. Get hold of the huge ones, and after the tissue exhausts, collect quite a few to build your own shoe rack. Arrange a set of for horizontally and glue them. Above this, add another layer of 5. Then 4, and 5, and so on.
Every roll will hold 1 shoe of yours. You may also use it as a display cabinet. The end result, you organized your things in the best possible way.
You can create anything from ones you thought were nothing. Use garbage to clean garbage. Wires can get you spice holders while fruit crates can give you clothes holder. Get to work and clean your room up, finally!
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