
Army Man Stands in Knee-Deep Water during Duty, Sets Forth an Example of Resilience

Army Man Stands in Knee-Deep Water

To sacrifice and give up on all that you have for the sake of your country, is an act of courage, sheer dedication and high-mindedness. If there is one lot that coincides and parallels the term ‘philanthropy’ and ‘benevolence’ then it is the altruistic Army Jawans standing tall and stout at the terror stricken areas of the country. We got a similar outlook of ‘actual virility’ at the recent image of an Indian Jawan, standing rugged, in a knee-deep water, aided with a rifle, going viral all over the internet.

We have been through various story-telling, where ‘a prince in his shining armor’ was validated as true heroism: rescuing the ‘trapped’ princess and gifting her with a life of normalcy and happiness. With the fleeted time, our ideologies to ‘heroism’ transcended to macho ‘film actors’ who with his unimaginable power and strength rescued his heroine, who was supposedly birthed to fall into myriad of problems. However, never for once, did heroism is in its truest sense moved out from the walls of ‘machismo’ and robustness of crafted ‘film actors’; meant to re-define love and potency.

It is not unlikely, if you walk past a group of people celebrating a ‘film actor’s’ birthday with great pomp show. But how many of us really came across a martyr or Jawans being worshipped as true heroes? How about the glorious martyrs who shielded India from foreign invasion, with the most precious thing they had: life? Don’t they deserve more than being asked to ‘like’ and ‘share’ on mere social media pages, where there graphical images of their ‘burnt bodies’ and slaughtered bodies do the rounds; where the only way they come to the limelight is by voicing their opinion to the system, where they are made the heroes only after they have been through martyrdom, where they are never viewed as anything more than ‘plain simple border guards’?

Leaving their families behind, with no hopes of returning to them, surviving on freezing temperatures, living a life sans any comfort zone, and feeding on exiguous food; how do they not qualify as Heroes? How are not remembered or made to remember by parents? How tough is it to pay them respect and consider them of higher power?

The Army groups since age unknown, have showed us the paths of sheer patriotism, they have through a plethora of paladin acts made us re-think of life and luxuries that we live on. They have forever reminded us that true patriotism has got nothing to do with raising flags or clicking selfies with on Independence days, wear patriotic tees to channel love for the country, or even painting flags on faces to exhibit the respect; It is about standing at the frozen temperature lands and the barren ones with the scorching sun in the sun with equal cool and patience, it is about gleefully standing at the cinema hall and singing the National Anthem with pride and joy when asked to and not create any sort of ruckus and hullabaloo over it, it is about caring less for ‘film actors’ and garnering love for the ones that have left us what we proudly call as ‘our country’.

Time to think, who deserves to be labeled as the ‘superstars’: the ones dancing to the tunes of cheeky songs or the ones offering their lives in times of war and battle, in order to safeguard the millions that look up to him as the ‘absolute being’.

About the author

Abhay Pandey

I am a passionate writer, content curator, viral news creator, Your dreams are our passion is my motto. Would like to spread smile across the world through my blogs.

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