There are stories of suicides, where people simply give in to hopelessness, where people slit wrists with an aim to be done with everything that bothered them all this while, and then there are stories of making through the battles and vices and leading lives victoriously. Courtney Waldon was one such warrior princess who didn’t crumble her faith: on God, on Life or on herself, even when after meeting with a horrific accident back in the year of 2016.
Courtney reminisces the disaster that came in the form of a campfire; setting her ablaze, vitiating her beauty into mere ashes. She was once by the campfire, cooking asparagus, and tuna steak while browsing through Facebook when her husband of two months got up to relight the fire and swing a can into the fire, only to witness her totally engulfed in fire.
The only thing that rattles Courtney even after one long year since the ‘unbelievable’ is the fact that she could feel every bit of her flesh getting burnt. But just as miracles has its way with people who believe in themselves, she could survive through this devastation but was left with abominable fourth-degree burns. And if this plight was not enough to set her life ablaze, she was challenged with yet one more nightmare-when her husband left her, post her return from the 2week stay at the hospital. But instead of finding it depressing, Courtney believes that it happened for good and that she could garner this much strength only because her husband left her.
After reading her inspirational story, we can not begin to imagine how most of must draw power and courage from her. How even after going through hellish times, she could smile back to life and stand up, thinking about her daughter, who is the sole being to have hoicked her from this puddle of distress. After what amount of treachery life played on her, she could have given it all up and chose to hang herself, or could have rather boxed herself from the world with the mere hope of being seen and ridiculed, but she rather chose to take up life’s malignancy with the sheer amount of self-resiliency.
Once in our lives, we get to chance upon such Messiahs whose leave behind marks of inspiration and makes us rethink over life; it meaning, its purpose and the importance it held. They make us believe in magic, upon hope, upon God. What gets us thinking and wonder are her robustness; that strength is not merely about building abs, building muscles or running the treadmill but about nurturing a mind so strongly that it can take up whips of destruction with a smiling face. That thinking upon a solution is not merely about slitting wrists or gulping down poison, but more about walking over the bygone past and move on with your chin up. That no matter what, it is us who can lift ourselves up, and nobody is else. That there is always a silver lining to every cloud.
May Courtney get all the strength in her life to move on with enough love and care in the heart so as to tend other suffering souls.
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