Health & Fitness

Ditch the Gruelling Gym Hours, Follow These Simple Yet Effective Ways to Cut Down Weight


More than 50% of us sit down to chalk-out attractive New-Year resolutions every year, only to have it trampled and shunned a few months later. And it isn’t unlikely if ‘hitting the gum’ and having a ‘tremendous workout’ is one of those much thought out resolution and pledge. Hitting the treadmill and feeding on tasteless apples isn’t theultimate thing, there are few more simple ways which we can all adopt and get our fat reduced and checked.

Do not confide solely on exercises

Exercise isn’t the sole thing you must rely on, it must be accompanied with a  good diet as well. People have shown good results over exercising or following up with a strict diet, but the ones who have done both; cutting calories as much as 10% while indulging on a good and effective exercise plan have been able to double their sensitivity of insulin, besides having a promising weight-loss success for a long term. A blend of exercise with diet is the key to faster weight loss.

Mind Whatever You are Gobbling Up

Studies suggest, that people who have been cautious and mindful of whatever they eat and gulp down are the ones who could cut down weight steadily than those who do not think twice before eating. Always keep a check on what you are eating, instead of being careless and gulping down almost one big packet of chips while enjoying TV.By being able to focus what you are eating, you are opening the doors of selecting of what you actually need and what might be harmful to your health.

Maintain a Food Journal

Never mind if you aren’t from those who keep jotting down things in a journal, but you can always keep noting down things that you are partaking every day. This way, you can actually monitor what is really going inside, and what must you cut down to shed weight. Study states, that people who kept a check on their eating habits each week have lost 3.7 more weight than the ones who didn’t. Also, keep checking your weight every day to ensure you are inching towards your goal.

Get better sleep

We often jeopardize on sleep and do the rest. But sleeping plays the crux of good health and better figure. Not only physically, but sleep plays an important role in determining the mental health as well. Sleep is likely to hold you back from craving more food besides helping you to de-stress and boosting your energy. Science proves that an adequate amount of sleep every night can help reduce your waistline and help you lose out on the visceral fat. Easier said than done, there are many who try various ways to sleep good but of no avail, however, there are basic tips which can help you get a good-night’s sleep’ meditating, turning down hear, sniffing good perfume, reading a good self-motivation books to mention a few.

These were some of the few simple yet interstingly effective ways as how you can shed weight sans losing out much sweat. So, think different and follow up with these few tips to look good and feel good.

About the author

Abhay Pandey

I am a passionate writer, content curator, viral news creator, Your dreams are our passion is my motto. Would like to spread smile across the world through my blogs.

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