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J.K.Rowling Ranked As The Richest Author Again, and It Couldn’t Have Been More Befitting

J.K.Rowling Ranked As The Richest Author Again

If there is one book and concept that helped our childhood dazzle like a bright star, is it Harry Potter. The whole concept behind Harry Potter and the famous Hogwarts might have been an outcome of pure imagination and creativity but not only did Harry Potter magical and the  innocent world changed our take on life but have also reinstated our faith in love and magic. It made us believe in the brighter sides of positivity.

A story written out of one’s own agony and woes, J.K.Rowling was not only successful in connecting with the young and old hearts alike but have also been unparalleled as the greatest storyteller of our times; he one who didn’t retrogade in talking about things that could have been but is not there, things that doesn’t exist for real but has the ability to make us feel good about ourselves, things that  helped reinstall hope and confidence, things that made us put our faith back in the ‘power of love’.

JK Rowling in exclusive Interview with Christiane Amanpour, very soon.

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J.K.Rowling has certainly been unmatched in breaking the genre boundaries with her famous series, that in turn wooed million hearts, and had us breathe down the fact that all it really needs to enjoy children books is a tender and an innocent heart. This particular fact had been successful in opening several doors for both young adult books, marketed for both old and young. Also, the woman beyond her limits to encourage, inspire and strengthen the backs of thousands of victims of bullying, harassment and are left to live sans hope. She made us believe and place faith on the brighter future that awaits us, she gifted us with beams of light even when we were clad in darkness.

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That J.K.Rowling once again retained her position as the highest paid author, post her stage play script-Cursed Child release, which in turn shifted more than 680,000 print copies in the whole of UK, in the first three days, thus fetching the position of becoming the rapid selling book ever since her final Potter release-the Deathly Hallows, is not a surprise but indeed a good news. It says your hard work pays off at the end, and J.K Rowling is the living example of that. Her days of tireless writing down of scripts finally fetched her the due results and love, that she deserved.

The writer from Britain successfully replaced James Patterson atop the annual magazine poll of Forbes, which holds out ranks of the scribes’ earning since the past 12 months.

The first of her film franchise-Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, for which she wrote the script also helped her bag the iconic earnings amounting to 72 million pounds, according to Forbes’ new release. The story doesn’t end there, the lucky woman has been successful in topping a rundown of all the world’s highest-paid authors in, a respectable position she had obtained a decade back when she drew the curtains to her book series about the little boy wizard-Harry Potter.

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About the author

Abhay Pandey

I am a passionate writer, content curator, viral news creator, Your dreams are our passion is my motto. Would like to spread smile across the world through my blogs.

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