Just when we were on the edge of losing out on the vantage point of love, amidst the ongoing deluge of ‘online hookups’, paralyzed marriages and spate of divorce rates engulfing our lives; what we chanced upon on the internet about a duo keeping up with their promise to marry back in the kindergarten days finally tying the knot have actually proved ‘love being truth’ again.
Married duo Matt Grodsky and Laura Scheel recalls the good old days when they chanced upon each other at one of Phoenix’s preschool, of how they run around playing ‘chase’and how both of them would keep awake during the nap hours. In one of his recent Instagram post, Matt stated that the only sweetest memory that comes dancing in his mind back from the childhood lanes was that of his love proclamation affront the class through his writing “I was enamored with Laura as a child, and I still am to this day’.
The fairytale couple reminisces of doing almost everything together and having the time of their lives. As both sit cheek-to-cheek discussing love, life, and marriage; on how love kept them inseparable all these years, we can do nothing more but drool over the love they still share; love so strong, love so powerful and love so overpowering. Cute as it seems, Matt was even reported to have wooed her back in the preschool days by opening pinata, and could finally succeed in winning her hearts after several attempts to open it.
We grew up fancying over dreamlike fairytale love stories having perfect ‘happy endings’, enjoying girlie crushes over men that we can never claim to be ours, only to be made-belive that fairy tales exist, but only on fairytale books and movies. However, Matt and Laura’s perfect love tale had a different message to give out; about nurturing patience and not jump into hasty decisions, about not changing minds when the relationship was put to the loyalty test, about believing our self-consciousness and about the placing faith in love.
The love-coupling had to part ways when they enrolled in two different elementary schools, but could reconnect after two long years during their high school’s freshman year, when Laura noticed Matt;s contact number in one of their mutual friend’s cell-phone. The friends wanted to set both Matt and Laura up, but refrained from doing so, when Laura developed feelings of doubts as for whether she should make a move, however, the problems and doubts were warded off when Matt decided to text first and ask her out. Within weeks of interaction and hanging out, the two came into a relationship, which survived even when they joined colleges in two different states.
To what made the story look more like a fairytale bliss, Matt dropped on his knees at that same pre-school where he came across Laura first and proposed her. The fairytale romance finally had a happy ending when both the lovebirds tied the knot on the month of December in the year of 2016, thus sending out the message of love, patience, and the proof that ‘love wins in all situations.
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