After decades of being shunned as something ‘sinful’- Periods can finally breathe sigh of relief, post its validation of being nothing more than a ‘healthy-process’. In a country rife with anti-women squads, where it is close to impossible to have a discourse about period bloods publicly, where it parallels a ‘grievous crime’ to enter the temple with your periods on, where the government deemed it fit to impose a hefty 12% tax on sanitary napkins but left the vermilion and condoms out of the tax league all together; this happy news of a Mumbai based firm-Culture Machine becoming the first ever company in India to introduce its brilliant leave policy of ‘First Day of Period’ come as a bright sunshine to most women in the country and of course the ones working with it.
Periods is a thing to be celebrated as a great blessing to womanhood, but what keeps it away from all the pomp and smiles is the gut-wrenching pain that it gives you with every month followed by the awful headache, loss of appetite and nausea. While, many women have fought with it to reach ht the highs in life, there are some who simply falter in coping with it, blame the distinct the hormone design in each individual’s body. Though you can still overcome the pain and sit back type things on laptop, at office, the whole day; what gets outright dreadful is the commuting task that one has to undergo to and from workplace. This news gives out rays of hope to women: hopes to believe that one day ‘period pain’ shall no longer have to be hid as an embarrassment but can be publicly talked about sans the feeling of guilt.

Culture Machine that operates a channel in You Tube named as ‘Blush’ deals with female-centric themes and strives at women empowerment by bringing about a strong, healthy and a cooperative health-zone for its 75 women employers. Upon implementing the policy, Devleena S Majumdar, the HR President at Culture Machine backs the writhing pain that follows at the first day of Periods and affirms it be of an ‘uncomfortable’ day rather. She even talked about removing periods from the galore of embarrassment and shame and instead asks everybody to hold it as a part of reality.
It isn’t unlikely if this good-healthy decision doled out by Culture Machine comes as a jolt of shock to men all across, who probably finds it interestingly curious as to why women must be given a leave on her periods. But the fact that they don’t realize the issue tagged with periods is what makes them want to hurl scathing remarks, both on womanhood and woman alike. The company is also said to have sent a petition directed at the Ministry of Women and Child Development, and Ministry of Human Resource to introduce the policy all across Indian.
Amidst tons of injustice done to women for myriad of reasons, this act of great-mindedness would surely urge the systems to think over Paid Period Leaves and make it happen all over the country, only to witness more and more women dropping their shells and emerging as a warrior.
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