Switch your blazer with towel gown
Put on your ironed pants, the polished boots, shirt and tie, but ditch the blazer. Instead, wear the blue towel gown you have and enter that board meeting. Things will definitely lighten up and the new intern will not panic anymore. You may also get a few laughs, but that’s the whole point.
Soak your hair while traveling
And give the hair-drier a rest. You get 2 benefits here – celebrate towel day and save time on drying your hair. So, keep the towel wrap intact on your head and make your travel to work. Do get a vibrant shade to add that extra touch.
Wave with towel
Catch a bus or call a taxi, but use a towel to signal. Even, draw someone’s attention with a towel. In short, replace all your hand signals with this piece of cloth. It will make everyone around smile and people will certainly not panic to your call.
Take it to the next level
This is bold and demands a tremendous sense of humor. Suit up for your work but wear a towel instead of pants. This will probably be the best way to ease people out; everyone will have a good laugh. But do make sure that your selection is long enough to hold its place as things may get a bit dicey at times. Imagine, getting out of a luxury sedan with no pants on and wearing a towel instead. It’s “Ha-Ha” funny!
It’s all about the purpose
The point is not to become famous or be the center of attraction. It’s about showing respect and remembering Mr. Adams and spreading a word. So, go on a dinner date with a towel, tuck it out of your pocket or go to bed under it. Celebrate in your own little way and make people a part. Join the millions all around the world and simply – “Don’t Panic.” It’s Towel all the way!
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