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Re-Soul yourself! 5 bohemian lifestyle habits to bring back the old young you again

Bohemian Lifestyle

Bohemia is simply the western region of Czech Republic. But that’s geography and you’re not looking for geography. You’re not looking for how the nice people of Bohemia live. As a matter of fact, you won’t find a lot to do with what the concept of the word itself means in present day geography. But there’s something essentially curious about being Bohemian, about inculcating that rich ‘merrily poor’ mindset, about being carefree just within the limit of being careless.

A “Come, my friends, / ‘Tis not too late to seek a newer world” or a simpler “We’re only young once.” –they bring out a rare sentiment of hope. Being a Bohemian is about the life next to hope, about being above and beyond the rat race of being posh. And you need to add a few pointers like these into your life too.

P.S. – Bohemians were amateur artists, talented ones, living off the bare necessities after the French Revolution. You’re no told to do the same. But you can take the best parts of being one in essence. And you actually can!

6‘Boho–ish’habits you must follow:

  1. Stop Re-Organizing! –

Yes, maybe you do need 20 separate files for 19 documents, a Plan A after the Plan Z of the original Plan A, one more buttoned wrinkle-less work-corset (Talking about your shirt), the quintessential tick mark just high enough on your socks for show (Messi is a perfect example of endorsement irony)….. No. You don’t. So don’t. Stop organizing ‘organizing’!

  1. Don’t Plan as far as your Afterlife –

You understandably believe in long-term goals, in planning before-hand, in the smallest details such as a visit to a grocery store on the 30th of February 2999 – wait what?! Seriously Mr./Mrs.  Insurance, you need to stop planning for things and then go all berserk when they don’t turn out well. Think next week.

  1. Self-Indulgence –

No, this doesn’t mean you need to start mastering your puppet. This means doing what you like doing which should not include mastering your own puppet to repeat. Just lie around, do something for nothing, for no reason whatsoever. Just do it! (Not another ‘Who’s the best Footballer Ever’ enthusiast.)

  1. Fly High –

Whiff in, you need to grow wings and just fly away for a while. With the right wind you can fly high and in the right direction. You need the right hash to tag, you need a transcendental experience, stop being in control, stop trying to control and just letting things be. Try it.

  1. Take-Out what’s Tucked in –

Corsets were notorious in their days for being a tad difficult to breathe with and so are buttoned shirts. Of all the men and women who advertise how to look like CEOs of MNC billion dollar companies, the only ones which make sense are none. How about being a human being instead of a working machine? Breathe easy for once!

  1. Go Artsy –

You must be good at something (Can’t help otherwise)! Take a brush, strum up, open up an empty page – do something just stay away from everything that’s ‘smart’. Results may vary but at least you’ll be doing something you’ve never done before!

This might be the best thing about Boho – something out-of-the-box. But wait. Why’re there 6 tips instead of 5? Well, that’s for you to find out!

About the author

Ashish Sharma

I am a passionate writer, content curator, my dream is to deliver the smiles on the face of all the people.

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