Entertainment News

Priyanka Chopra Ditches the IIFA Awards 2017, Sets ‘Daughter Goals’ For Many

Priyanka Chopra Family Vacation

Amidst the heap of craze and hype of ‘no-strings attached hookups’, frequent hangouts, insane deadline commitments and our fast-paced lives, we have somehow deemed it fit to skip out on that bitter truth that along with fleeting time, our parents are aging too; that they too deserve our precious time, that they too deserve to be taken out on holidays and vacation, restaurants and picnics and so on and so forth. The age is about planning out ‘solo trips’, about exploring unknown places with the one you love, whereas making family trips are now creeping back into becoming obsolete; they rarely exist and and are labeled as ‘typecast’. Afer all, who would want to take their aging parents along?

But Priyanka Chopra thought otherwise; The woman who hardly misses out anything on her radar actually went ahead, canceled her IIFA Awards of 2017 to set out for a family vacation. Priyanka Chopra, being a global star, is now one of the busiest stars in the industry who is seen juggling work and home, and to take up this step of taking her family out for holidays, ditching all her work schedules and plans for IIFA speaks volume.

How many of us have chosen to ditch our work, to make time for family or for ourselves even? Didn’t our fathers take us every year, even in spite work hours and busy schedule? Wasn’t there any work pressure? It is all about priority. Thanks for having prioritized work all the time, we can be officially be termed as ‘anti-socials’. It is strange how we love choosing ‘Facebook’ over the playground, dating apps over meeting the person in real, solo trips over ‘family reunion’, pubs over house terrace, quality time with family over treating our solo selves with beer and wine, dark rooms over laughter filled bright rooms in the home. Oblivious to the fact that we shall become a loner one day, aren’t we all becoming ‘little demons’ from inside?

We no longer crave for family intimacy, having stayed out of the town for work purpose for months and years, we no longer love having guests over but instead keep the formalities and ‘hellos’ within the walls of Whatsapp and Facebook, we don’t wish our parents to tag along but prefer chancing upon the place alone only to capture image that is Instagram worthy, we enjoy lonely dinners over enjoying meals with family post the day’s end, we now believe confiding in our ‘pub friends’ than in dads and moms, we find it sufficient enough to make video calls from miles away over coming down during festivals and family get together, we shy away from family reunions and rather refer sneaking out with friends for the sake of avoiding it.

When did we change so much? When did we stop caring this less for our parents who showed us the light of the world? When did we keep them out from the priority list and instead kept the work shifts and pending files on the upfront of attention? When did this ‘solo trip’ emerge into fame, when traveling alone and making memories alone is supposed to be something that we all have to one day when we shall no longer have our moms and dads beside us?

Priyanka Chopra, being a celebrity has left behind tons of inspirations for us, and have urged us to think over priorities and set them straight.

About the author

Abhay Pandey

I am a passionate writer, content curator, viral news creator, Your dreams are our passion is my motto. Would like to spread smile across the world through my blogs.

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