What do you know about all the things that go around you? The world is way weirder that you can think of. And the facts that you remain unknown to will make you pull your hair out in astonishment.If you have nothing productive to do and want to get your mind blown off, why not check out this list of 15 weird facts? Buckle up!
- Fear of Fun exists – it’s called Cherophobia
Yes, people are actually scared of partying. Don’t think about Joker now; he always had fun.
- The Sun makes the bananas curve
The fruit grows towards light, hence the shape. Wonder how you get the straight ones!
- Movie trailers are supposed to come after the movie
Never thought why they are called trailers? Originally, they came as a synopsis of the whole story.
- Fingerprints are not the only ones that are unique
Even tongue prints are. So do not complain if cops run behind you with an ink pot and paints your tongue.
- A whale has been lonely for 2 decades
Nature has made its voice so high-pitched, and other whales have never responded to it. But, someone did, and the curse was lifted.
- The US makes a loss of $100 million to mint coins
Definitely! Do you think it takes a nickel to mint a nickel? The rate is far more than the coin is actually worth.
- Oxford University dates back to before the Aztec Empire
Yes, it’s antic! Be proud to be a part of it. If not, be proud that it’s still standing tall.
- The Universe has more stars than the number of sand grains on Earth
No doubt, you can’t count them. How very very tiny are we?
- If it’s a Monday, chances of Heart Attack increases
Probably it got to do something with Monday Morning Blues. You get up, don’t like to go to office and heart stops working.
- Hippo’s sweat can turn red
When they are upset. So, when you hurt its feelings by calling it fat or something, they can start bleeding.
- You can’t boil your saliva at 100 degrees
Yes, water will steam away but your spit won’t. Heat resistant to the extent. The boiling point is nearly 3 times more.
- You can lose 150 calories just by banging your head against the wall
And you thought exercising was the only way. Why run and break a sweat? Do this and lose weight (and blood).
- A Dutch Village has no roads
Nothing! The houses at village of Giethoorn are only connected by footbridges and canals. You need slippers or boats to visit your neighbor.
- Bacteria can live in your hair-sprays
And you thought you were keeping your hair clean. Every time you spray, more bacteria enter. Good luck!
- The Eiffel Tower is leaning
Simple science! The sun heats up the metal, one side expands, and the whole structure bends. It’s already leaning by 7 inches.
And there’s more. Find out more and stay amazed!
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