
With A School in Florida Deciding to Put A Ban on Homeworks To Incorporate Reading, It is Time We All Think Alike and Bring Back the Lost Glory of ‘Books’

Child and Books

It’s not unlikely to come across ‘depression-struck’ kids nowadays. Courtesy to a plethora of career-eccentric pressure, kids are bogged down, they no longer laugh to heart’s content or hit playgrounds, but are instead grinding their brain over maths problems or are writing pages of essays as part of their homework. While most of the childhood whiz past, sulking and struggling with homework, what is sadder is that they no longer read books or sleep hearing or reading stories. Either, they are being told to study more, or are forced into completing the homework first.

Bookstores are no longer frequented but are rather being shut down, only to get replaced with malls and plush apparel stores. With the growing pressure of homework and studies, books are slowly creeping back into becoming obsolete.


We had already begun worrying about the future generation when Florida Marion County School District’s decision of putting a ban on homework and instead focusing on reading habits came to us as a beaming ray of hope. With a single small step taken at some part of the world, we are sure, a big and a most wanted change are about to happen.

According to News 6 WKMG, the school wishes to forbid the system of homework in its elementary classes so as to incorporate 20 minutes of reading on a regular basis, as part of a good habit. Students would be given the luxury to choose any reading material that they want to, with an optional help and guidance from their teachers.

When approached over this great decision, a spokesperson commented: “When you read well, everything else comes”. And we can’t deny a bit of that truth. Reading doesn’t always make you better but is scientifically proven to instill good thoughts, positivity, and goodness in your mind. What more? Books are the real time stress-busters and an antidote to all things anxiety.


If there is one thing that de-stresses you to the core besides traveling and swimming, it’s the books. The more we push our kids into reading, the better they become in crushing their goals, achieving unimaginable concentrating power and socially acceptable. With the onset of gadgets, kids are now more into video-games and watching cartoons than embarking on a blissful world of fairy tale and good novels. They are more acquainted with celeb stars than Rudyard Kipling or Enid Blyton, more affectionate towards watching Marvel and DC films than reading the comic.

And who is to be blamed for that except us? The school’s dramatic decision is aimed at boosting the children academically through reading books than with the ancient concept of returning home with a bag full of homework. With such changes happening, we must all start to re-think the basic ideology behind educating a child. Is it all about making them soak and absorb textual matter or is it something more than that? Is knowledge all about learning and putting it out on the paper to pass the class and fetch laudable-worthy grades or is it more about understanding the world through the patrons of art-we call authors: the ones who viewed life and love differently, the ones who give out better morals through fairy tale than films, who helped us know ‘knowledge is infinite, and is not supposed to stay within the pages of a book.

About the author

Abhay Pandey

I am a passionate writer, content curator, viral news creator, Your dreams are our passion is my motto. Would like to spread smile across the world through my blogs.

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