It is not long that we have now begun cursing machines and gadgets, for having ruined our lives and making us plodded each passing day this helping us grow those warts around the neck and belly. But thanks to humankind and inventions, Singapore’s Book vending machine is now proving that machines deserve more than being cursed and blamed.
The new book vending machine in Singapore installed at two places of Singapore is an initiative taken by the local bookstores who want to promote ‘reading’ besides making books ‘easily accessible’. Thanks to the advancement of technology and the social media hype, books are moving furtively to become of the most extinct elements of Earth. We all grew up reading and loving books, but now it is all about loving growing old with online games and replacing books with e-books. We are fascinated over reading something on the internet, then flipping the pages of a book. Book Fairs are hardly frequented, and we hardly consult books for anything, after the onset of Google.

With an aim to keep books as a first-hand priority for the millennial, Mr. Leck has confirmed that since Singapore lacks a good variety of bookstores, the bookstore would be a great change for all those book lovers, who adores book like anything. Reading is not merely a good habit, but a way of sinking all your woes and worries into it. Reading keeps you away from stress and is an all time best friend to mankind.
Be it for any reason, but we have failed to ingrain the importance of books into the minds of the new generation, who no longer big fat books but prefer video-games instead. Irrespective of good schooling, the kids now lack the good vocabulary, imaginative power, judging sense, story building talent and much more. What we fail to comprehend is that one day, we shall no longer crave for a Facebook post, Pinterest ideas, Instagram feeds, Celebrity tweets, chat room conversations, but a book to confide to, to rely on in times of crisis, and to spend those last years on Earth gleefully.
We are all heading towards an age where we shall no longer have stories to narrate, share or be boastful of. Our grandchildren shall no longer hear fairy tales but would instead grow up hearing about Snapchat stories and Facebook posts. But thanks to the initiative taken over by Mr. Leck who have brought about book vending machines. We pray and hope, all the countries get it and that it soon replaces gadgets and Kindles on everybody’s hand. Enough of dumping our faces into mobiles and laptops, it’s now time to do the same to the books; the time have to bring them back for good, it’s time we start push kids into reading and make it a habit, it’s time to help them prioritize books over silly online games.
It is time to give all the due respect to books that it has lost over the years, Let’s just hope, book vending machines get installed at all corners of the world and spread the love.
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