Human beings are just animals with a bigger brain full of intellect and imagination. But sometimes the latter takes over. Otherwise, nothing can explain how...
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If you’re thinking about buying a brand new Adidas/Nike sportswear or a Rolex timepiece or even just a Cola, well, go ahead. But think of it this way. Whatever...
Now there’s a big BIG difference between rock in India and Indian rock. Hope you know it. Revving back a few years, names like Indus Creed, Parikrama, Indian...
“Music is a safe kind of high, ” and people have been getting high with music for a long time. But that’s not the only ‘high’ which people have got so far...
Now, if you are going through that phase of your life where your pockets are empty, but the pizza stands are staring hard, you are not alone. Money is...
How many times have you read about escaping the 9 to 5 cycle? But can you actually apply that? There will always be home rents and EMIs holding you down. But...
Nothing comes near to a table full of good food. The mere smell can take you to places. Delicacies get their name for a reason and no matter in which way you...
The whole of food has always been bizarre. This is one thing that has seen the best of innovations and the largest amount of variety. Every locality you visit...
Who does not want to look sexy and beautiful with perfect curves? This is like every girl’s dream. But how many get the chance to fulfill it? Let’s take a look...
52% of adults aging between 18years and 40 years are suffering from insomnia. That is a lot! So, the main question is; what can lack of sleep do to you? Here...